road maps

美 [roʊd mæps]英 [rəʊd mæps]
  • n.指南;(尤指为开车者设计的)公路交通图
  • road map的复数
road mapsroad maps

road maps


  • 1
    N-COUNT 道路图;公路交通图
    A road map is a map which shows the roads in a particular area in detail.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 详细说明;指南
    A road map of something is a detailed account of it, often intended to help people use or understand it.

    The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.


  • 3
    N-COUNT (和平或民主的)路线图,准则,指导方针
    When politicians or journalists speak about a road map to or for peace or democracy, they mean a set of general principles that can be used as a basis for achieving peace or democracy.

    He also raised doubts about the American road map to a peace settlement.


  1. Whether you realize it or not , you ’ ve got more road maps , more role models , more resources than the civil rights generation did .


  2. Roadgeek refers to a person who is passionate about roads , including road maps , road construction , the history of roads , and road travel .


  3. It appears on few national road maps and passes no significant settlements .


  4. A successful service implementation requires that many constituents of the enterprise align their needs and road maps .


  5. He stretched out on the wide bed in the carriage and read road maps and travel brochures .


  6. This curriculum of one to two day courses forms the backbone of the training initiative , with training road maps for the different roles .


  7. The scientists then compared the completed genome with two previously sequenced , natural M.mycoides genomes that served as road maps .


  8. Clinical research on tonsillectomy with electrotome under general anaesthesia He stretched on the wide bed and read road maps and travel brochures .


  9. Some organizations engage in an enterprise-wide business transformation . Other organizations define their road maps , vision , strategy , and criteria for assessment and governance .


  10. The two road maps differed slightly , forcing the Venter scientists to commit to following one or the other , without knowing which genome was more accurate .


  11. On her way out of town , she stopped at a corner store to pick up some road maps , chocolate , and dried dog food for her dog .


  12. The Automobile Association AA and the Royal Automobile Club Rac in Britain and the American Automobile Association in the US are organizations which offer advice and repair services to motorists , and publish road maps and guide books .


  13. The Silk Road and the Maps of China in Ancient Times


  14. Feasibility Research on Abstracting Traffic Road Data Using Google Maps API
